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       Fyns LOGO interpretation: sign a binding in English, meaning "create brand China, fyns automobile service market of the world" the lofty ideals and high aspirations.
English "Toughpro" meaning "tough and hard", is very consistent with the product characteristics, but also reflect the company's firm and indomitable will quality and enterprising spirit, forge positive quest. The first letter "T" as an inspired passage, anti white processing, it is easy to make people think of T, meaning the positive attitude, the courage to participate in international competition, as well as a symbol of companies is the fyns people show themselves and improve self stage.
The blue and white logo silhouetted, introverted structure stable, generous and unassuming, give a person a kind of good poised potential, a symbol of the strength of the company, the development of a strong, the pursuit of excellence!

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